Saturday, September 13, 2014

Review by Sky: Lila's Wolf, by Sofia Grey!

Lila's Wolf, #1 in the "Out of Time" series, by Sofia Grey

Blurb: When Lila Cammell is abandoned by her time-jump partner, leaving her alone in Britain in the Dark Ages, revenge is the only thing on her mind. She’d trusted Jared Grohl with her life and her heart, and bringing him to justice will be sweet.Finding him captured and enslaved by the Saxons changes all her assumptions. Now it’s a fight for survival, but the only way to save him, might be to leave him behind.


Sky's Thoughts: Uh oh, a long review! You now what this means . . . I am in love with this book! It has everything from; action, romance, suspense--everything a 5 star page turner consists of! 
And look at that cover. *sigh* I know it's hard to stop staring at, but come on, ladies, open it up and read it--the inside of this book is even sexier

The story begins with Lila Cammell, a historian who works for the Archives in our distant future and her ghardian, Marc, time-jumping--a job I SO wish were real this very day--from their current year of 2552, back to the Dark Ages of Briton to find and capture Jared Grohl, Lila’s ex-partner. 
They plan to bring him back to the present to face criminal charges for deserting a mission that took place two years previously. Lila’s returning to assist in his capture is partly due in revenge to settle a score with Jared after she felt he had used, betrayed, and broke her heart during that time. 
The mission Lila and Jared were sent on was to uncover research and add to the archives of the Dark Ages of Briton. When the mission neared its end, an attack led by the Saxons was struck on them, prohibiting their safe escape back to the portal of their present day. What Lila does not realize, is, Jared did what he had to do to keep her safe and tricked her into leaving through the portal without him. 
She was in utter disbelief; injured from the rush of getting out of the battle—ultimately losing a limb—and left feeling as if it were his plan all along to stay behind. She will be horrified once growing to learn that she couldn't be more wrong. 
Upon finding him by chance, she discovers he’s been enslaved by the Saxon wife. He was due to be slaughtered until one of their men noticed his mis-matched eyes. For that, he was saved by the old woman’s fondness of his eyes in memory of her pet wolf. 
Jared is forced to do disgraceful things, sometimes being used as a body slave. All he ever thinks of is his escape, and that he will be a free man someday, and of course, the never-ending thoughts of Lila as he is consumed by the guilt of doing what he felt was necessary to ensure she survived that dreadful day. He only hopes he is able to see her again, to explain everything.
When they finally reunite, it was explosive--my heart raced and I wanted to cheer them on and cry all at the same time. I refuse to spoil a thing!
We, as the reader, are left white-knuckled wondering if their second escape from this frightful fate and time, will be successful a successful one. It will not be easy, and once again they may have to bid their farewells; and for the final time. (I had to force back the tears during a certain scene *bites lip*)
This book was an exciting read from start to finish! The story is mainly told in the perspective of Lila. In occasion, there are bits of Jared’s point of view as we look into his situation being enslaved by the Saxons; and it's quite sad, honestly. My heart shattered for him.

Ms. Grey has crafted a beautiful and thrilling story with the perfect dose of science-fiction and historical settings--you’ll find it hard to put it down without wondering for the rest of the day, “What is going to happen next!?” 
Her ability to mold such gripping, lovable characters and adventurous scenarios is one that I highly admire. I seem to fall more and more in love with her work every book! 
I loved the genius and seamless transition between the past and present when Lila is catching Marc up to speed on the happenings of that ghastly day that led them to where they are now. Not fully giving him every detail, she drifts into thoughts of the horrible occurrences, flashes of Jared leading her to believe he loved her and of the last day she saw him. 
I would love to see more adventures featuring these two characters again. I absolutely love the idea of time-traveling as historians to do research—I am such a historic geek, and will be highly recommending this book to anyone who, too, loves a great time-traveling journey with a splash of romance!
I can’t stress enough how perfect this book was for me, and what an honor it was to be able to get an ARC copy of it! Thank you, Sofia, for both writing this story and letting me have a chance to read it before it came out!! 

If you would like to learn more about Sofia and her work, take a look at the links below and make sure to stop back by our page on the 14th (This Sunday) for her book blitz! There will be an interview, an excerpt from this book, and a giveaway!

Sofia Grey's Official Webpage
Her Blog with Allyson Lindt

Lila's Wolf Book Tour Dates:
Blog post

Google & conspiracy theories
Vampire bonding & eye colours


Picture books & virtual streets

TARDIS & the grassy knoll
Solar powered fridges & the right dress


Battlefield & giant library
Richard Hammond & exotic food


The Booknatics

Ghardians & timelines
Fluffy plans & dark ideas

Time travel & love stories


Paradox & runaways
Beautiful society & Ghardians

Loophole & ideas file

Rosemary Sutcliff & history classes

Tetris & good bathrooms

Giant library & dodgy Utopia

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